Basic Membership vs. Chairman's Circle
The Mt. Pleasant Area Chamber of Commerce offers a wide variety of information, services and programs to strengthen your business in the community. Your involvement with the Chamber will connect you to people, ideas and resources to enhance your business.

Basic Membership
Number of Employees
Individual - $110
1-5 - $300
6-10 - $315
11-25 - $420
26-50 - $560
51-100 - $700
101-200 - $850
201-300 - $1,000
301-400 - $1,150
401-500 - $1,300
500+ - Contact Chamber
Chairman's Circle
Number of Employees
1-5 - $430
6-10 - $445
11-25 - $605
26-50 - $820
51-100 - $1,035
101-200 - $1,250
201-300 - $1,465
301-400 - $1,680
401-500 - $1,895
500+ - Contact Chamber
New members pay a one-time $25 application fee.
- Annual dues are based on the number of full-time employees or full-time equivalent. (2 PT employees = 1 FT employee)
- Membership dues are non-refundable.
- Membership renewals are billed in January and / or July of each calendar year. Pro-rates may be added based on start date. Please contact the Chamber for rates.
Basic Chamber Membership
The Chamber offers two levels of membership to best suit your needs. Basic membership includes entry or involvement in Chamber events at a membership discounted rate, group insurance programs, networking opportunities and more! All new members receive a New Member Welcome Kit!
Chairman's Circle Membership
The Chairman’s Circle is a group of members who have chosen to enhance their membership investment. In addition to receiving all the benefits of the Basic Membership upon joining, Chairman’s Circle members will also receive additional benefits each year!