Rollie Denison Leadership Institute
Carolyn Bennett, MMDC
Harold Boog, Wakely Associates
Jill Bourland, CPA, Blystone & Bailey, CPA's
Rosann Ebbinghaus, Bandit Industries
Steven Howard
Michael Klein, Wakely Associates
Etta MacDonagh-Dumler
Stephen M. Mumich, III, Bennigan's
Kelli Kay Nicholas, Individual
Marcie Otteman, Central Michigan University
Doug Ouellette, Firstbank
Dave Reetz, Isabella Bank
Sherri Rosecrans, WCFX
Bernadette Stocking, MidMichigan Health Park
Cindy Vautrin, Central Michigan University
Linda Wagner
* If you were in this class, but not listed, if you know of someone that was in your class but not listed, or if your place of employment is missing or needs updating, please e-mail the class year, name and place of employment to