Rollie Denison Leadership Institute
Mary Ann Breuer, Isabella Bank
Cathy Chamberlain
John Coldwell, Kentucky Fried Chicken
Nancy English
Kevin Foster
Malcolm Fox, City of Mt. Pleasant
Tammy Gaertner, CPA, Gaertner & Howard, CPA's
Brent Gilbert, Mid-Michigan Industries, Inc.
Dave Gillespie, Isabella Bank
Brian Gooding
Paul Hess
Amy Hovey, Individual
Mendowa Johnson
Terrie Kaiser, Individual
Maxine Klumpp-Kent, Central Michigan University
John Lewis, Hall, Lewis & Bolles, PC
Jean Lindley
Joan McDonald, Central Michigan University
Brian A. Misiewicz
Dennis J. Nurkiewicz
Pat Plumstead, Individual
Denise Schaffer
Denny Starnes, Sacred Heart Academy
* If you were in this class, but not listed, if you know of someone that was in your class but not listed, or if your place of employment is missing or needs updating, please e-mail the class year, name and place of employment to