The Ambassador Program
Our Chamber Ambassadors are the Chamber "eyes and ears" on the street. This is a great group of friendly and outgoing volunteers that call on member businesses each month for input on Chamber membership and activities.
Ambassadors are a tremendous help to the Chamber as they provide us with updated news and information about our community and our members. Ambassadors also volunteer as greeters at Chamber functions which include: Annual Awards Banquet, DBMP: Daybreak Mt. Pleasant, Off the Clock, Ribbon Cuttings, Groundbreaking ceremonies, etc.
Mt. Pleasant Area Chamber Ambassadors
Len Desormeau
Bethany Ervin
Kim Friedrich
Mike Helmer
Michelle Pitts
Sherri Rosecrans
Paul Scoby, Ambassador Chair
If you are interested in learning more about becoming an Ambassador, please submit an application along with any questions to Jamie Pierson at Your application will be reviewed and voted upon by the Ambassador Club when positions become available. The number of Chamber Ambassadors is limited to 30. Preference is given to Chamber Ambassador candidates who have served on Chamber Committees.