Rollie Denison Leadership Institute
Ann Allen, Individual
Robert M. Backus, Janes Backus & Janes P.C.
Nancy Beckwith, Blodgett Oil Company Inc.
Jim Binder, Isabella Bank
Diane Block
Rick Ervin, Waterfield Financial Corp.
Brenda Flory, Individual
Rae Goldsmith
Patricia Kearly
Brian Maes, Individual
Mark Philo
Steve Pung, Isabella Bank
Thomas Rojeski, Individual
Claudette Shaffer, Central Michigan CTI
Carol Stark
Judi Sullivan, CAE, J.D. Sullivan & Associates
Barb Theunissen, National City Bank
* If you were in this class, but not listed, if you know of someone that was in your class but not listed, or if your place of employment is missing or needs updating, please e-mail the class year, name and place of employment to